Position One

Poster Image


Video, Digital Simulation, 10:17mins

Appropriating Nature (2023) is a series of playful digital simulations of organic assets and modelled objects manipulated by computer generated physics within 3D software. Digitised elements from nature such as rocks, wood and general debris have been photo-scanned specifically for the piece. This piece highlights current research within the studio of collecting and gathering data/information from outdoor settings relevant to photogrammetric processes. A tool used without physically interacting with objects or chosen subjects creating a coherent link between theoretical education and restoration practice. It is a result of multiple tests produced by complete chance due to controlled turbulent collisions and interactions within digital applications. Objects collide with intensity and aggression within simulated force fields resulting in gradual changes to outcomes throughout the piece.

Photogrammetric processes used in Andrew’s practice are relevant to its potential importance on digitally archiving content for future generations spanning across multiple disciplines including but not limited to education, visual art and academic research. His work has strongly developed with the use of 3D software and progressed towards the creation of digital reproductions through various formats taken from natural settings. The digital aspect of this work involves the creation of digital scans/textures that are accompanied by sound pieces highlighting the thin border between physical and virtual worlds. 

Andrew McSweeney completed a BA in Fine Art at CIT Crawford College of Art & Design, in 2015 and an MA in Interdisciplinary Design Practice in 2021 from the Limerick School of Art & Design. Recent and upcoming shows include the group exhibition Data | Art, June (2023) at The Lord Mayor's Pavilion, Cork, and the development of an interactive virtual reality application for the Eco Festival : Earth Rising (September 2023) at the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin. He was supported by the Irish Arts Council in 2022 and is a member of Backwater Artists and Sample-Studios in Cork City, Ireland.





Kayleigh Maimaran


Etaoin Melville